Tuesday, April 07, 2009

what a beautiful life, what a beautiful life.
there is no turning back..
- gui boratto

i never want to turn back in time. this is worth all the effort i put in slogging through my bloody education. i'm siezing every opportunity that comes my way. doing things i never dreamed i'd dare to do. going places, seeing things, feeling such a myriad of emotions.

if this is the highest point in my life. i'd die a happy person really. the waiting for years and years in spore to be free, to make each moment of my life count. this is it. and i really wonder if it can get any better than this. haha.

and the funny thing is. there are many people in similar situations as me, and yet.. they can't understand this lightness, this incredible surge of wonder for the world. shrugs. don't begrudge me for your choices.

its great to be alive (:

i hope you feel the same way too love. i can't wait to share this world with you.

lalalaa. i'm thinking of portugal & spain. throw in to the mix tokyo, osaka, kobe, iwate & maybe even tioman. and life is looking good. HAHA.

i just have to do well for my exams :p dang


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